19 decembrie 2024
19 decembrie 2024

Check Out Your 2024 Snapchat Recap

and some stand out stats for the year!

The holiday season is all about celebrating your friends, family, and the year gone by. To help Snapchatters revisit their favorite memories from 2024, this week we dropped our personalized Snapchat Recap, individualized for each Snapchatter.

As part of the Recap, Snapchatters can look back at their Snaps of all their favorite moments whether they were vacationing far away, or home and cozy with their friends and family. This year, for the first time ever, we gave Snapchatters special insights into how they communicated with a round up of how many Chats and Snaps they sent, Stories they posted, Memories they saved, and calls they made.

Overall, 2024 was quite a year, and Snapchatters were busy talking up a storm with their friends and family and making memories for the years to come – and we have some stand-out stats to share! Drumroll please…

Some Snapchatters:

  • Posted more than 4,677 Stories. (That’s more than 12 Stories posted per day on average.)

  • Saved 6,376+ Memories – that’s roughly 17 special moments every day! 

  • Sent more than 34,010, and received more than 58,734 Snaps

  • And sent more than 63,327 Chats

Happy holidays & happy Snapping!

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