11 November 2014
11 November 2014

Update on Third-Party Apps

We promised that we would continue to improve the security and reliability of our service and today we’re announcing a change in the way we treat third-party applications.

We last wrote about third-party applications a few weeks ago when a third-party app that offered to save Snaps was compromised. At that time, we promised that we would continue to improve the security and reliability of our service, and today we’re announcing a change in the way we treat third-party applications.

We’ve enjoyed some of the ways that developers have tried to make Snapchat better. Unfortunately, some developers build services that trick Snapchatters and compromise their accounts.

We want to prevent that from happening in our community. Starting today, we will notify Snapchatters when we have detected that they may be using third-party apps, and we’ll ask those Snapchatters to change their password and stop using unauthorised apps.

Most of you will see no difference in your Snapchat experience today. We’ve got some incredible new stuff on the way.

Happy Snapping!

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