Try Out New Looks, Fix Typos, Set Reminders and More
Every day, Snapchatters create more than 5 billion Snaps on average to communicate visually with their friends. Now, we’re adding new features to help Snapchatters connect even more quickly, express themselves in new ways, and use My AI to stay organised amid busy lives and schedules:
Editable Chats – When you made a typo or something didn’t come out just quite right, edit your messages for up to 5 minutes after sending them, before your friend replies! This feature is coming soon and will be available first for Snapchat+ subscribers.

Emoji Reactions – Since ‘22, Snapchatters have had the option to react to a chat with their Bitmoji to quickly convey a response whether they’re laughing out loud 😂 or cheering on a friend 🔥. Now, react with any emoji to express whatever is on the mind.

My AI Reminders – If you need to remember an upcoming deadline, or want to start a countdown ‘til the weekend, just ask My AI for a reminder in direct chats or in a conversation with one other friend! With just a quick message, My AI will get you set up with an in-app Countdown, so you never miss a moment.

Map Reactions – For those who have opted in to share their location with friends, we’re also adding a new way to spark conversations from Snap Map! Send a wave as you pass each other on the morning commute, or a heart when you see a friend has arrived safely at their destination.

On Snapchat, our community expresses themselves in so many ways – through conversations, Lenses in our Camera and even through clothes! With new AI-powered features, our community can now:
Create custom Bitmoji looks – With a short description, and a little help from AI, Snapchatters can design their own digital garments for their Bitmoji. Generate unique patterns like “vibrant graffiti” or “skull flower,” and tap on your favourite to edit and see your clothes transform.

Express themselves through even more AI powered Lenses – With one simple Snap, find yourself back in time with the 90s AI Lens.

Happy Snapping!