SPS 2023: What’s Next for My AI
Bringing My AI to Snapchatters around the globe
Snapchat+ subscribers have been loving My AI, our AI-powered chatbot, sending nearly 2 million chat messages per day to learn more about movies, sports, pets, and the world around them. Today, we announced My AI is rolling out to Snapchatters globally, now with brand new features:
1. Personalize My AI: Your AI comes with one of thousands of unique Bitmoji variations and can be easily customized to make it truly your own. Design a custom Bitmoji for your AI, give it a name, and start chatting.
2. Bring My AI into Conversations with Friends: It’s easy to bring My AI into any of your conversations with friends. Simply @ mention My AI and ask a question on behalf of the group. It will be clear when an AI has entered the chat and includes a sparkle next to its name.
3. Snapchat Recommendations: My AI surfaces place recommendations from the Snap Map and suggests relevant Lenses. For example, you can ask My AI to suggest weekend activities for your family or get the perfect Lens recommendation to wish a friend a happy birthday.
4. Share Snaps with My AI: Our community can send Snaps to My AI and receive a chat reply.
5. Watch It Snap You Back: With over 55,000 Snaps created on Snapchat every second on average, Snapping is a natural way that our community stays in touch. Soon Snapchat+ subscribers will be able to Snap My AI and get a unique generative Snap back that keeps the visual conversation going!
My AI is far from perfect, but we’ve made a lot of progress. For example, 99.5% percent of My AI responses conform to our community guidelines, and since launch, we’ve worked to improve by:
Programming My AI to adhere to our community guidelines to help protect against responses that could be inappropriate or harmful.
Implementing a new age signal using a Snapchatter’s birthdate, so the chatbot will consistently take their age into consideration.
Adding additional moderation technology, which will allow us to assess the severity of potentially harmful content and temporarily restrict Snapchatters’ access to My AI if they misuse the service.
Preparing to incorporate My AI into our in-app parental tools, Family Center, which will allow caregivers to see if their teens are chatting with My AI and how often.
We will continue to use these early learnings to make AI a more safe, fun, and useful experience, and we're eager to hear your thoughts. You can press and hold on any My AI response to provide detailed feedback to our team.
Happy Snapping!