June 01, 2015
June 01, 2015

Tap to View

Today marks a pretty big change for Snapchat — you no longer have to press and hold the screen to view a Snap or Story — instead, simply Tap to View! This means no more tired thumbs while watching a several-hundred-second Story… and a little getting used to for anyone who has been Snapchatting for a while. We think you’re going to love it!

Today marks a pretty big change for Snapchat — you no longer have to press and hold the screen to view a Snap or Story — instead, simply Tap to View! This means no more tired thumbs while watching a several-hundred-second Story… and a little getting used to for anyone who has been Snapchatting for a while. We think you’re going to love it!

There are also some new ways to make friends — including Add Nearby. It’s a quick way to add a group of friends when you’re all hanging out together. If everyone opens Add Nearby, a list of your friends will appear on the screen. Just tap to add.

Snapcodes also got a serious upgrade :) You can add a selfie to the center of your Snapcode, so that it’s easier for friends to recognize you when you add them on Snapchat. If you see a Snapcode in another app, just take a screenshot. You can add screenshotted Snapcodes through Add Friends.

Last but not least, we recently rolled out two-factor authentication to improve Snapchat security. Once you enable it, bad guys will have a much harder time if they try to hack into your account.

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