
Snap Develops Groundbreaking AI Text-to-Image Model for Mobile Devices
New technology will power high-resolution experiences for Snapchatters in the coming months

Introducing New Ways to Get Rewarded and Find Success For AR Creators and Developers
We want to be the most developer-friendly platform in the world and empower developers to invest in building amazing Lenses.

查看 2024 年 Snapchat 年終回顧
總體而言,2024 年是相當精彩的一年,Snapchatter 忙著與親朋好友暢聊以及為未來幾年留下回憶,我們有一些出色的統計數據要分享!

是時候揭開 Snapchat+ 和更多功能的新面貌!

Introducing New Lenses, Platform Features, and Capabilities for Spectacles
Today, we’re launching Snap OS v5.58, which includes new Lenses that showcase the power of the Spectacles camera and SnapML, as well as platform features and capabilities to help you better build and experiment with Spectacles Lenses.

Snap 全新 Spectacles 首次在歐洲國家推出
奧地利、法國、德國、意大利、荷蘭和西班牙的開發人員現在可以申請加入 Spectacles 開發人員計畫。