Bullying Prevention Month on Snapchat

We've designed Snapchat to be a place where people feel comfortable expressing themselves with their close friends and family. That's why we've never had public likes or comments, because they can create pressure to feel pretty or perfect when you're just trying to communicate with friends. We've also made it easy to choose who you want to talk to on Snapchat so that you won't be bothered by unwelcome noise.
我们把 Snapchat 打造成一个让人与密友、家人尽情表达自我的舒适空间。这就是我们从不公开喜好或评论的原因,因为公开发言会让人感到必须在他人面前表现完美的压力,与亲友交流时却不需要这样。你可轻松选择在 Snapchat 里想聊天的人,这样就不会被不想要的噪音打扰。
我们知道,我们依然或多或少都会遭到霸凌,所以我们想大声明确地传达这条信息:霸凌不允许出现在 Snapchat 上。我们很自豪可以与广告协会合作,共同支持反霸凌月活动。我们创建了滤镜、贴纸和 Snap 广告来提高反霸凌意识,无论网络霸凌或现实霸凌。
如果你收到了你认为霸凌或冒犯性的 Snap,可以在应用程序中直接向我们举报。只需长按这条 Snap,然后点击 🏳️ 按钮。请让我们了解你的遭遇,我们永远愿意伸出援手!详情请查看安全中心。
祝大家 Snap 愉快!
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