To celebrate six months of Spectacles, we’re announcing new Lenses and platform features, another way for AR developers to be rewarded financially, as well as sharing a candid interview featuring our CEO, Evan Spiegel, and Spectacles developer, Aidan Wolf.

With a brand new NFL Creator Program, Snapchat Cam integrations, AR Lenses, and more!

We want to be the most developer-friendly platform in the world and empower developers to invest in building amazing Lenses.

Snap 正在美国发起一项新的由创作者驱动的“在 Snapchat 上找到您的最爱”活动,提醒受众在哪里可以找到并支持他们喜爱的内容创作者。

2024 年是相当精彩的一年,Snapchatter 忙着与亲朋好友畅所欲言,为未来的岁月留下美好的回忆,我们也借此机会分享一些突出的统计数据!


“2024 年速览”将回顾 Snapchatter 如何在本年度在应用上参与、创造和探索。从分享日常生活中的点点滴滴到塑造全球趋势,这些洞察让我们得以一睹,最与我们的社区产生共鸣的文化时刻和激情点。