Introducing Campus Publisher Stories

It’s been nearly three years since we launched Publisher Stories on Snapchat as a new way for our community to enjoy high quality content from some of the most creative media companies in the world.

Today, we are expanding Publisher Stories to include school newspapers. School newspapers play a critical role in informing and entertaining their campus communities, and they are often where the many leading journalists and editors that we work with got their start.
自从我们在 Snapchat 上推出“发行商故事”已有近三年的时间,它是我们社区用来欣赏一些全球最具创意的媒体公司制作的高质量内容的新方法。
我们与数十所学院和大学结成伙伴关系,他们的编辑小组将开始制作每周"发行商故事"并在 Snapchat 上予以发布。这些故事会插入 Snap Ad,以帮助每所学校通过收入分享协议获取收入并发展他们的报纸。
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