Our Agreement with the FTC

When we started building Snapchat, we were focused on developing a unique, fast, and fun way to communicate with photos. We learned a lot during those early days. One of the ways we learned was by making mistakes, acknowledging them, and fixing them. One of those was being more precise with how we communicated with the Snapchat community. This morning we entered into a consent decree with the FTC that addresses concerns raised by the commission.
当我们开始构建 Snapchat 时,便专注于开发一种独特、快速、有趣的方式来用照片进行交流。我们从这些早期的经历中学到了很多东西。我们学习的方法之一是犯错,承认错误并加以纠正。
在专注于构建的同时,我们也发现有些事情并没有得到应有的关注。其中一个问题就是在与 Snapchat 社群的沟通方式方面我们需要更加严谨。今天上午,我们与联邦贸易委员会签订了一项同意令,处理委员会提出的关切问题。甚至在今天宣布同意书之前,我们就已在过去一年中通过改进隐私政策措辞、应用程序描述、应用程序内及时通知等方面解决了大多数此类问题。而且,我们将继续在安全和对策方面进行大量投资,以防止资料被滥用。
我们致力于促进用户隐私,并让 Snapchatter 们控制自己进行交流的对象和方式。这是我们一直以来都会认真对待的事情,永远如此。
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