We’re Thankful

Yesterday was a huge day for us. Millions of people used Snapchat to share their Thanksgiving festivities and send holiday wishes to their friends and family. We sent and received all sorts of turkey snaps – raw turkeys on their way into the oven, silly turkey drawings, and steaming hot turkeys doused in cranberry sauce!
昨天对我们来说是个非常重要的日子。数以百万计的用户用 Snapchat 分享了他们庆祝感恩节的方式,并给他们的朋友和家人送去节日祝愿。我们发送并接收到了各种火鸡的 Snap:包括送进烤箱之前的生火鸡、拙劣的火鸡画作,以及热腾腾的、浸在蔓越莓酱里的火鸡!
如果你无法以正常的速度顺畅地发送 snap,我们表示抱歉。我们每天都在尽力保证你的体验,也感谢你们一直以来对我们服务的支持。我们为你准备了一些节日惊喜,很快就会带给你!
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