Bullying Prevention Month on Snapchat

We've designed Snapchat to be a place where people feel comfortable expressing themselves with their close friends and family. That's why we've never had public likes or comments, because they can create pressure to feel pretty or perfect when you're just trying to communicate with friends. We've also made it easy to choose who you want to talk to on Snapchat so that you won't be bothered by unwelcome noise.
我們最初是希望將 Snapchat 打造成一個親朋好友之間可以自在交流的平台。因此我們並沒有公開點讚或評論的功能,因為這些功能會給人帶來想要看起來光鮮亮麗的壓力,進而忽略掉與好友們單純交流的初衷。你在 Snapchat 上也很可以很直覺地挑選想交流的對象,而不必擔心其他外界的干擾。
我們深知即使如此,霸凌還是無孔不入,所以我們想在此鄭重聲明:Snapchat 絕不會容忍霸凌。我們很榮幸宣布與廣告委員會合作,以表支持反霸凌月。我們製作了「濾鏡」、「貼圖」以及 Snap 廣告,來提升大眾對網路和現實霸凌的意識。
如果你有收到你認為屬於霸凌或帶有攻擊性的 Snap,可以在應用程式內直接進行舉報。只需要長按該 Snap,接著按下 🏳️ 按鈕即可。告訴我們事情經過,我們會盡全力協助你的!你可以在我們的「安全中心」深入了解。
Snap 愉快!
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