Our Agreement with the FTC

When we started building Snapchat, we were focused on developing a unique, fast, and fun way to communicate with photos. We learned a lot during those early days. One of the ways we learned was by making mistakes, acknowledging them, and fixing them. One of those was being more precise with how we communicated with the Snapchat community. This morning we entered into a consent decree with the FTC that addresses concerns raised by the commission.
當我們開始建立 Snapchat 時,我們專注於開發一種獨特、快速且有趣的照片交流方式。早期階段,我們獲益良多。我們其中一樣我學習方法是犯錯,承認錯誤並加以糾正。
當我們專注於建立時,我們忽略了某些部分。其中之一是如何讓我們與 Snapchat 社群的溝通方式更加精確。今天早上,我們與 FTC 達成了一項同意法令,以解決委員會提出的問題。即使在今天宣布同意書之前,我們已經通過改善隱私政策措詞、應用程序描述和應用程序內即時通知,解決了過去一年大多數類似的問題。我們將繼續重點投資在安全和對策,以防止濫用。
我們致力於提升用戶私隱,並賦予 Snapchatter 空間去控制他們進行交流的方式和對象。這是我們一直,並永遠都會認真對待的事情。
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