We’re Thankful

Yesterday was a huge day for us. Millions of people used Snapchat to share their Thanksgiving festivities and send holiday wishes to their friends and family. We sent and received all sorts of turkey snaps – raw turkeys on their way into the oven, silly turkey drawings, and steaming hot turkeys doused in cranberry sauce!
昨天對我們來講是一個大日子。數百萬人使用 Snapchat 來分享他們感恩節的慶祝活動和寄給他們的朋友親人節日祝福。我們發送和收到各種火雞的 snap:準備進入烤箱的火雞、有趣的火雞畫、還有充滿小紅莓果醬的熱呼呼的火雞!
但是,所有歡樂都不會一點問題也沒有。我們的服務器拼命想跟上每秒傳送一千多個 snap 的節奏。
如果你不能以我們努力保持的正常速度來傳送 snap,我們深感抱歉,同時也很感謝大家對我們持續的支持。我們馬上會有一些激動人心的節日驚喜送到你身邊!
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