We want to be the most developer-friendly platform in the world and empower developers to invest in building amazing Lenses.
Snap is launching a new creator-driven “Find Your Favorites on Snapchat” campaign in the US, reminding audiences where they can find and support their favorite content creators.
2024 was quite a year, and Snapchatters were busy talking up a storm with their friends and family and making memories for the years to come – and we have some stand-out stats to share!
“2024 in a Snap” looks back on how Snapchatters engaged, created, and explored on the app this year. From sharing life’s everyday happenings to shaping global trends, these insights give a glimpse into the cultural moments and passion points that resonated most with our community.
Today, we’re launching Snap OS v5.58, which includes new Lenses that showcase the power of the Spectacles camera and SnapML, as well as platform features and capabilities to help you better build and experiment with Spectacles Lenses.
Snap Inc. 是一家技术公司
我们认为,正是得益于相机,人们生活与沟通方式得到莫大改善。我们鼓励人们通过 Snap 表达自我、活在当下、了解世界,同时获得乐趣,以此来推动人类进步。 我们的产品和服务旨在加强您与朋友、家人以及周围场所的联系。
8 亿以上
平均每月使用 Snapchat。
3 亿以上
Snapchatter 平均每天都会接触增强现实。
电子邮箱 press@snap.com.
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