2024 CitizenSnap Report
Every year, we publish a CitizenSnap report that provides more insight into how we run our business, support our global team, and contribute to the communities we serve. We have always felt a deep obligation to give back and to make a positive impact, and we know that our responsibilities extend far beyond the laws we’re required to abide by.
A few highlights from this year’s report include:
Launching Snap’s first Council for Digital Well-Being, a pilot program to gain perspectives from teens on the state of life online today, as well as their hopes for more positive online experiences in the future.
Improving privacy and safety by launching new safety features such as chat text reporting and in-app educational resources.
Reducing our carbon emissions, including an 11% reduction in Scope 3 (value chain) emissions compared to 2022.
Increasing the gender diversity of our global leadership hires. In 2023, 40.5% of our leadership hires globally were women, our largest year-over-year improvement since 2020.
While we’re proud of the progress we’ve made in 2023, we know that our work is never done, and we’ll keep striving to live up to our values of being kind, smart, and creative in all aspects of how we operate.
Read the full report here.