Celebrating Six Months of Spectacles with New Lenses and Platform Features That Get You Outside
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We're bringing even more Bitmoji fashion and apparel to our community, including new spring styles and an expanded Prada x Bitmoji collection

To celebrate six months of Spectacles, we’re announcing new Lenses and platform features, another way for AR developers to be rewarded financially, as well as sharing a candid interview featuring our CEO, Evan Spiegel, and Spectacles developer, Aidan Wolf.

We’re introducing the first of our new advanced AI video Lenses available now exclusively for Snapchat Platinum, our premium subscription tier.

Snap Inc. showcased the transformative power of Augmented Reality (AR) at the second annual India AR Day event held in Mumbai, highlighting how the company is driving a future-forward vision for AR, fostering creativity, and building a thriving ecosystem, particularly within India's dynamic developer landscape.

The following ran on the Department of Angels website on Thursday, February 6, 2025.

With a brand new NFL Creator Program, Snapchat Cam integrations, AR Lenses, and more!

New technology will power high-resolution experiences for Snapchatters in the coming months

Snap Inc. ist ein Technologieunternehmen
Wir glauben, dass die Kamera die größte Chance bietet, die Art und Weise zu verbessern, wie Menschen leben und kommunizieren. Wir tragen dazu bei, dass sich die Menschen frei, live und spontan ausdrücken, die Welt erkunden und gemeinsam Spaß haben können. Unsere Produkte und Dienste sollen deine Beziehungen zu Freunden, Familie und deiner Umgebung verbessern.
Über 800 Millionen
nutzen Snapchat im Durchschnitt jeden Monat.
Mehr als 300 Millionen
Snapchatter interagieren durchschnittlich jeden Tag mit Augmented Reality.
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