All New Gym Heroes Mini is Here to Rescue Your Workout Routine
Starting today, there are even more things for Snapchatters to do together with a whole new Mini called Gym Heroes from Discover publisher Wave Sports + Entertainment.

In 2020, we introduced Minis as a new way for our partners to offer fun, social and engaging experiences for Snapchatters and their friends. Now, there are 20 Minis helping Snapchatters do everything from shopping with friends to registering to vote.
Starting today, there are even more things for Snapchatters to do together with a whole new Mini called Gym Heroes from Discover publisher Wave Sports + Entertainment.
After seeing breakout success with their Discover show ‘Gym Heroes,’ which features daily workout inspiration from fitness influences around the world, Wave Sports + Entertainment created an interactive experience to help Snapchatters keep their fitness routine feeling fresh.
Now, Snapchatters can turn to the Gym Heroes Mini for bite-sized workout challenges that are easy to conquer on the go. Each exercise is led by one of Gym Heroes’ fitness experts, including personal trainers like Jo Lindner and Alice Klomp. Plus, every session focuses on different muscles and includes visual instructions so there is something for every fitness level and personal goal.
Wave Sports + Entertainment knows that Snapchatters love doing things with their friends, so they made it easy to create groups among friends to help stay motivated and accountable.
To get started, open your Snapchat and search for Gym Heroes from the Camera, or tap the Rocket Icon in chat for the entire roster of Minis and Games.