Introducing My AI Snaps

Snapping is the way our community stays in touch with their friends and family, creating over 55,000 Snaps every second on average. Now, when Snapchat+ subscribers are chatting with My AI, they can send it Snaps of what they’re up to and receive a unique generative Snap back that keeps the conversation going!
Since launch, Snapchatters have been using My AI as a tool for creativity to learn more about the world, and ask about movies, sports, video games, or even what to wear to prom.
Snap My AI a picture of your pizza, OOTD, or even your furry best friend, and My AI may respond with a Snap back in reaction to what you’re doing. So, if you Snap My AI your latest grocery haul, it might recommend a recipe!
Like all messages shared with My AI, Snaps will be stored and may be used to improve the product experience. While it was designed to avoid biased, incorrect, harmful, or misleading information, mistakes may occur, so please do not rely on it for advice, and let us know if you have any feedback.
We look forward to hearing about your experience with My AI. Happy Snapping, Snapchat+ subscribers!