September 28, 2022
September 28, 2022

#PlasticGate: Get involved with AR for environmental protection!

Plastic waste is one of the biggest issues when it comes to protecting the environment and nature. In Germany alone, 6.3 million tonnes of plastic waste are produced every year. The huge amounts of plastic waste are one of the main triggers for the climate crisis. Experts are aware of the effects, but many people in Germany know far too little about the plastic waste problem. We want to change that with the help of augmented reality.

Plastic waste is one of the biggest issues when it comes to protecting the environment and nature. In Germany alone, 6.3 million tons of plastic waste are produced every year.[1] The huge amounts of plastic waste are one of the main triggers for the climate crisis. Experts are aware of the effects, but many people in Germany know far too little about the plastic waste problem. We want to change that with the help of augmented reality. 

That's why we're launching the two AR experiences #PlasticGate and #PlasticWorld today, with which you can wrap your surroundings in plastic and make the problem visible. Share Snaps with your friends and help draw attention to the plastic waste problem. On the BUNDjugend website you can find more information on how the plastic flood is developing worldwide and how you can become active and get involved to help prevent this issue.

#PlasticGate Lens

One of Germany's most important landmarks is drowning in plastic waste: with the #PlastikGate AR lens, the Brandenburg Gate is transformed before your eyes into a memorial made of plastic bottles, shopping bags and plastic waste.

If you are in Berlin, you can now easily try out the AR lens onsite. By pointing your smartphone at the Brandenburg Gate with the Snapchat camera open, you can unlock the experience. Behind it is our Landmarker technology, which transforms the world's most famous landmarks into creative AR experiences with the help of digital 3D models.

#PlasticWorld Lens

For those outside of Berlin, the #PlasticWorld Lens conveys a similarly oppressive feeling: via AR your own four walls sink into plastic waste in a fraction of a second. Simply scan the Snapcode and unlock the experience on your smartphone:

To visualise digitally what would be impossible in analogue, we are using our new World Mesh technology for the first time in Germany for the #PlasticWorld Lens. With the help of machine learning, World Mesh brings LiDAR-like functions to mobile phones with normal cameras so that they can process depth in space and create three-dimensional, true-to-scale experiences. 

Both lenses initially open in selfie mode, which also shows you behind a plastic film that you can move via hand tracking. 

We are on a mission to raise awareness of this important topic to our Snapchat community and help give you a voice.

Have fun trying them out!

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