Our Continued Work to Combat Climate Change: Becoming Net Negative by 2030
Today we are proud to take Snap's climate strategy a big step further by committing to achieve Net Zero -- removing from the environment as much carbon as we emit each year -- and then going beyond Net Zero to make Snap net negative by 2030, meaning we will remove more carbon than we are emitting.
Last Spring we announced our first-ever climate strategy, with commitments to carbon neutrality, science-based reduction targets, and 100% renewable electricity. Today we are proud to take that strategy a big step further by committing to achieve Net Zero -- removing from the environment as much carbon as we emit each year -- and then going beyond Net Zero to make Snap net negative by 2030, meaning we will remove more carbon than we are emitting.
We’re announcing this commitment because the latest science has made clear that more needs to be done to avoid climate change’s worst impacts. Our products have significant reach with younger generations, who care passionately about combating climate change. We feel a deep responsibility to take action at a pace and scale that can make a difference. Among other things, we think that includes committing to Net Zero (and beyond) and we have joined 200+ other businesses in signing The Climate Pledge and committing to Net Zero, regular reporting, carbon elimination, and credible offsets.
We recognize that the market for carbon removal is unpredictable, that relevant indirect emissions can be difficult to calculate, and that we may have to revisit these commitments over the years as conditions change. But we commit to achieving these goals to the best of our ability and being transparent about our progress and any challenges we face.
As part of this larger strategy, we’re also committed to helping educate our Gen Z audience on Snapchat about the climate crisis and actions they can take, through both original content and augmented reality experience. We regularly do research with our Gen Z community to better understand the issues they care about and want to see represented on the platform, and climate change and the environment are among the issues that rank highest. On average over 200 million Snapchatters engage with AR on our platform every day.
Today we’re announcing a new Snap Original, “Planet Rewild,” produced by Re:wild and Underknown. This series was developed as part of a larger multi-year partnership between Snap and Re:wild, focused on bringing Re:wild’s mission to "protect the wild that's left and restore the rest” in-app, allowing Snapchatters to learn, explore and uncover some of the most pressing threats to nature and our own survival. Planet Rewild, which will premiere in 2022, depicts what the Earth will look like in the coming decades if we don’t learn to “rewild” our planet -- and also offers a vision of the flourishing ecosystems that could emerge if we allow the wild to be restored. We don’t need to reinvent the planet; we need to rewild it.
And to continue leveraging the storytelling power of AR for this critical issue, in 2022 we will continue our partnership with the United Nations Environmental Programme to create AR lenses to mark World Environment Day and Earth Day.
This is an ongoing, long-term commitment from us and we look forward to building on these efforts in the months and years ahead.